Common Myths of Social Media Marketing

The companies, big and small alike, have started integrating the business with social media for its immense values. There are no two opinions about the positive role of social media; they hold the unanimous opinion of its effectiveness in promoting business.  It is necessary to understand the intricacy of using the media for business development. The social media offers practically free promotion, but one needs to recognize the intricacies involved in it due to its nature of direct interaction with the consumers. The views of experts are worth taking note of.

It is Inexpensive:
Popular blog sites and social media sites come free for use by anybody, but it needs a professional approach to mix the business prospects with open sites for people. There comes the necessity of investment for integration of the business with the media. Providing simply a link at any social media site does not serve the purpose, such presence will hardly produce a desired result. There have to be some creative features that can offer sufficient reasons to get noticed by the prospective users who visit the media sites. 

Do Not Expect To Sell Products On Social Media:
It is going to be certainly a wrong conception, if one wants to directly sell a product through social media. The media can put the things in motion for understanding; the rest depends upon how well it is steered for generating a customer. As such, the business people have to make their presence at social media sites with a different outlook.     

Difficult to Attract The Potential Customers:
Thousands of people visit the business sites just for the curiosity; that does not mean all are prospective customers.   In the same way, the social networkers know anybody can make a presence on the media sites and a large number of potential customers ignore taking a cognizance of such business ads. 

Good Products Get Recognized Fast:
An approach through social media can help immensely in growth of good products. It is useless to think of promoting faulty products with the support of social media, it can turn to become a too damaging attempt.        

If you want to learn more details of social media marketing, please contact the experts at

Social Media – A Clever Investment for Small Businesses

The media have been traditionally a tool for one way communication. But, the social media on the Internet have demolished that barrier. It has the distinct feature of two way communication. Today, social media is serving as an effective platform that forms a meeting place for people from different backgrounds and needs. The potential of the media is getting recognized gradually.

An Economical Way of Promotion:
Businessmen are in regular need to promote their products and services. Large companies conventionally go for expensive ads in established medias for promoting their business. They can afford to spend the large amount of money to make the people aware of a product or service and also follow up with ads as reminders.  With limited capital resources, it is difficult for small business to follow the path of promotion through series of ads as well continue with follow-up ads. Social media have the strength to effectively reach a large number of potential consumers in a very personal and interactive basis at incomparably low cost.

The Growing Popularity:
Social media have become a tremendously popular medium of promoting business within a very short time. Studies have revealed close to 90% small and medium companies are using social media for promoting business. The increasing traffic to the social networking sites has prompted the development of new platforms by giant companies helping in multiplication of popularity.

Apart from creating awareness to a very large of people, social media generates leads serving as an inexpensive way for companies to make a direct approach. eMarketing offers a vast opportunity to market the products with fast access to the consumers for concluding a business.

Till recently, small business companies had to take the route of launching their websites in order to generate traffic. Some of these company owners even used to personally meet the prospective buyers and request them to visit their websites for ready information as and when they needed. Now, with the advent of social media, the small companies can reach out to hundreds of prospects instantly and establish effective and profitable communication.

Contact to learn tactics of clever investment for small business.

Brands Get a Boost with Social Media Benefits

Marketing with the support of social media is gaining popularity as a more efficient medium of promotion than the usual mediums. It has been recognized well even by multinational corporate houses. Some companies have decided to do away with their budget on certain conventional ad altogether; some are serious about slashing down significantly on conventional ad and invest in promotion through social media. These are multimillion dollar business decisions that clearly give the indication of future of social media. There are many examples on the kind of shift, and it is a phenomenon catching up throughout the world. Take the corporate behemoths like PepsiCo. Inc. for instance.

Social media certainly boost up the brand image in a far effective manner than an inert one way conventional ad. There is a shift in tendencies; people are more inclined to spending time with mobile phones and love socializing through the open platforms like Facebook, Twitter and MySpace, etc. it makes a sense to be within the dominating sphere of activities of the people.  There is more, the oldest way of business promotion, the word of mouth, is brought back to the scene with a bang. Businesses are now beginning to attach greater importance to generate referrals through the process of informative interaction through social media and blogs.

Social Media is based on creating a common platform for communities with different interests in ways of the life. Different associations of likeminded people brought together to a common platform are able to create a strong impression on any subject or product and influence the sale in a big way. As such, the social medias offers somewhat concentrated personalized approach. This is far efficient in creating the brand image of products and promote more efficiently than the conventional ads.  An additional gain to the companies using promotion through social media is the generation of real leads for promoting business for free.

There are thousands of social media sites. It is important to be selective about the sites to be present at. The objective is to reach the communities that offer better chances of interaction and acceptance of the specific products for a targeted promotion.

Provide a perfect lift to your brand, contact InteliSystems for immaculate social networking support.

How to Develop a Social Network – Five Easy Steps

Business owners are always keen to find the best and easy solution to develop their business in an effective manner that will work in a long way. Social networking platforms offer one of the wonderful ways for developing a business on the internet. Surely, social networking is extremely effective; but like behind every beautiful creation there is a thought and planning, social networking also requires a good strategy to make it result oriented. So, get started with a plan of progress, popularly known as 5 easy steps.

Step#1: It pays to listen to the people; despite diverse interest of people, people in a community have certain common problems. It is going to pay if you recognize the common interest or problem of a community. As a social networker, you interject as one in consonance with the collective issue to enjoy fast acceptance.

Step#2: Make a ground to slowly draw the attention and interest of individuals to the topic of your business. This is centered on creation of a niche to get people actively participate in the subject of your interest. This involves a fine tuning; an abrupt introduction of topic has chances of rejection.

This stage is crucial because you have to identify the people who are zealous on the subject that you want to field in.

Step#3: All social networks have similar features of qualifying data to be an accepted member of the sites. The personal profiles provided for qualifying in a forum or a group, etc. is covered with the policy of privacy. As such, you have good chances of being already recognized for your field of activity.

Step#4: Use every tool and support to be informative and engaging. Find the opportunity for personal interaction; decide for the appropriate time for such personal interaction and divert them to your personal website.

Step#5: You got to create a serious audience to your blog post or the independent website. If you are able to build a good traffic to your website, you have already achieved a lot.

Are you willing to develop a social network for your business’s success? Contact the expert professionals at

Social Networking Allows Free Business Promotion

Business owners advertise to generate business and advertisements serve as the quickest means to reach millions of potential buyers. Advertisement mediums are crowded with the ads; it is too easy to get lost in a large number of ads.  Objective of the ads is to create an effective impression in the consumers’ mind.  Advertisement is generally costly and everybody looks for effective ads at a lower price.

Today, there is a sea change in the communication, people love to express themselves to the millions people through the web. Most of Internet users exchange their views through popular social networking platforms.  The aim of such communication is to share the knowledge and experience with the idea of helping anybody else to be benefited with the information. The prospect of using these platforms for promoting business has been recognized by the marketing professionals.

Taking the support of this unique tool of promotion, numerous business owners have got themselves fully involved with social networking. It is a cheap and effective means to promote the business within a peer group of people or the social networkers. The process goes on in a very open and understanding way of communication with the people. It is more comparable with exchanging views on certain product or services. The objective of this route is quite clear; it is completely devoid of forcing the minds to get attracted to a business ad exposed through conventional mediums. But, the process of social networking is interactive and focused upon turning the minds in favour of a business with knowledge and understanding the values.

Social networking has proven to be incredibly effective. The networkers normally get the opportunity to communicate with like-minded people having common problems to share. This also works up in a very steadfast way for effective and economical solutions.  Use of social networking platforms work like words of mouth, which is the most valuable means of promoting business since ages.  Personal recommendation will always be at the top for turning the minds in favour of a business due to the touch of life.

Want free business promotion with social networking? Contact for help.

Generate Business Leads with Social Networks

Social networks have bigger and wider reach than others because it works on the concept of bringing the minds together. With the target groups or communities of social network, people start sharing soon a common framework of mind with better understanding for the good of the whole community. These network groups could be organizations, companies, charitable trusts, and local clubs or maybe National and international clubs social welfare organizations and even the religious groups. The social media costs least, but offers enormous and spontaneous reach. It acts as a perfect tool to generate leads.

Social networks help in getting to know a business in a most understanding way instead of pushing hard with gaudy and provoking of ads. This process will not be able to create a positive image of you as an independent business entrepreneur and certainly devoid of any personal touch. Taking the route of social networking forges conviction since it generates out of understanding people personally thus generates solid leads. The word of mouth is the most effective tool of promoting business. It is a secure method that does not get deterred by funky ads that fails in creating a lasting impression in minds of people.

Generating leads is an essential part of Internet marketing. A business owner can quickly generate a loyal group of prospective customers sharing the mind with a group of people as one of them, not as one to be known from inert product or service ads.  It is a process of developing a group of like-minded people with a gradual understanding. This would reward with real and productive leads, incomparably superior than commercially purchased leads. The social networking leads are built on the foundation of strong mental links and get quickly more populated by the words of mouth.

The cyberspace is getting occupied with social networking sites as common platforms like MySpace, YouTube, Facebook and Twitter, etc.  You have to passionately communicate with the group in a very understanding way like your own to get their support in a constructive basis. This must be built on understanding the feeling of every individual in the group.

At, InteliSystems we can help your business grow by generating leads with social networking.

What Is The Scope Of Social Networking In Future?

This is the age of contacts for interaction between people to people through social platforms in the web. The tremendous popularity of using the social media networking could never have been realized before. In fact, social media have become an important tool of marketing in true sense of customer orientation. The scope of social networking is widening, and today it offers a strong support to the companies in providing the much desired touch of concern. Future of social media networking brings exciting promises as expected from the experience of limited users from a few companies in the top bracket.

This is the beginning of interweaving social media networking as a positive business process bringing two people together than merely two organizational entities. People can communicate their message to the suppliers or customers and also convey any difference of opinion over the social networks. The business community has started to take a keen interest in the enormous possibilities of reaching and serving the buyers in this emerging domain of marketing.

Social media networking is a more practical approach for dealing with the consumers. It may be for improving the products listening to the customers’ views with critical appreciations. It may also help improving the ways of dealing with buyers using them as ears and the eye of the organizations.  All the big companies are quite optimistic about the positive impact of Social media networking and gone into developing fully integrated processed with a holistic touch.  Take the example of activities the companies like IBM, Microsoft and Google performs to strengthen their networking platforms via social networks like Twitter and Facebook.

The bright future prospect of social networking is also proven with the fact that the technology is integrated in the mobile phones as well. Look at the devices designed with powers of interpersonal communication on a globalized outlook. These devices are now being created to with the perspective of global interaction and messaging across geographical boundaries. The concept is one, wherever on the earth; reach the common platform of the people for everybody’s benefit.

Social networking has tremendous prospects in future. We, at InteliSystems can help you utilize its power.

Social Media – What Is It?

The importance of social media has become almost an inevitable part of online marketing in the present times. Social media is inclusive of forums, blogs, social networks, etc., that are utilized to reach to communicate with the maximum number of prospects in order to create interest in their mind regarding a certain product or service.  So, what is social media and why the internet users are so excited about it?

When people create information content by making use of publishing technologies that are scalable and highly accessible, the level of communication, interaction and influence with the clients becomes easier and fruitful. This process is termed as social media where the communication is made via Internet and mobile networks.

Getting involved in a social media provides a sense being a part of community among the users. Different types of media are used for establishing communication with different users. People are eager to make their presence felt online and want to remain connected with each other. When such desire is utilized for the business purpose, it provides great results. It is already a proven fact that a business that is using social media is reaching huge number of prospects and clients within a short period of time. 

No matter what type of business you are involved with, social media can be useful if you are able to make a correct approach. On utilizing the potential of social media in the right manner, you can create awareness about your product or service, develop a relationship with your clients and other organizations through powerful networking. We at InteliSystems can provide such service.

Social media is not like any other form of media such as television, newspapers, magazines, movies, etc. This type of media is relatively very affordable and includes accessible tools that allow any individual or organization to access or publish information. The biggest advantage of social media is the accessibility of its tools at very low cost. It is a cost-effective method to reach wide section of prospects so that the business objectives can be attained in a smooth manner.

Make Money with Social Networking – Five Key Points

Those who are involved with the online marketing business are well aware about the reach and effect of social networking. Some people have an opinion that it is an ongoing trend, which will fade away sometimes. However, the fact is that, those who are using social networking for their business are gaining immense benefits in comparison to those who are not using it. There is no point in speculating that such a technique will not work after sometime as it is wise to make the maximum out of it.

Social networking definitely allows you to make money if you are smart enough to use it efficiently.  At InteliSystems, we have helped many people to make potential earning by using social networking. Here we are featuring five key points on how to make money with social networking.

Find the Right Social Network
There are hundreds of social networking sites, but all of them are not effective for your business. Find the right social network that matches with your products and services. Finding the right place is very vital as you can easily get connected to your niche within a short period of time.

Learn the Strategies of the Successful Users
It always helps to learn the success stories of those who have mastered the art of using social networking for the benefit of their business. Search over the Internet for the successful online marketers that have used social networking to meet their business objectives. You will definitely get a lot to learn.

Look out for Social Networking Guides
Internet is the right resource to get information and guide on any given aspect. There are several social networking online tips, guides and e-books featured over the Internet. Give some time to research a few of such resources to get vital input on making money with social networking.

Provide Updates
When you are using social networks, it is very essential that you provide all the updates about your products or services, offers, deals, etc. This will help you to retain the interest of your clients.

Be Interactive
Whenever possible; interact with your clients, partners and general visitors who are curious about your product or service via social networks.

Why Social Network Integration Is Important For Your Website

When you develop a website, you want it to generate more traffic so that your business revenue can be increased. One of the most effective ways to generate targeted traffic for your website is social network integration. It is affordable as well as an effective way to increase the popularity of your website. With just a single click, your information will reach a number of social networks, which implies that your website will be presented in front of thousands of visitors. Therefore, it is evident that social network integration is vital for the popularity and success of your website.

Increases Interactivity
With the help of social network integration, you can instantly increase the interactivity factor of your website. It has the capability to connect with the target audience instantly and get feedback about the product or service that you promote through your website. No matter which social network you want to involve with, all those networks will help you to increase the level of interactivity with your targeted traffic.

Saves Money
If you are launching a product or service and want to get the best of marketing, you may opt to take up the service of a marketing firm. Whether the marketing firm will be able to meet up your expectations is not very clear, but one thing is for sure that the expense for hiring such a service is going to be high. Now, if you integrate social network application in your website, the same result can be achieved and that too at an affordable rate. In fact, the marketing expense is often zero for social network integration.

Non –Stop Marketing
The world has become fast paced and there are many people who logs online during the non conventional business hours. If you have integrated social networking application in your website, it means that you have engaged non-stop marketing for your products or services, even when you are not online. It gives the flexibility to the customers to get the best of promotions, offers, news or updates as per their preferred time.

We, at InteliSystems can help you to integrate the power of social network on your website. For more details contact InteliSystems.