Mobile Marketing and Social Media – The Power Combined

Social media unleash the power of Internet in creating most trusted promotion that is the word of mouth. Nothing convinces better than the ageless way of believing something recommended. The word of mouth travels fast breaking the barriers of geographical boundaries. Most of the prominent marketing strategies developed in these days have the element of its compatibility with the Internet processes for getting quickly integrated with social media.  

Power of Referrals:
The power of referral is enormous; it cannot come from seeing the ads. The referrals arise out of confidence. Social media instills confidence as a direct result of interactive processes where disseminating knowledge and information are of prime concern. The ads are one way communication, while social media is a two way communication. Hence, social media creates incomparably better impact. 

A horizontal Extension:
Social media marketing through the platforms like Twitter, YouTube, Facebook, etc. has its horizontal extension through mobile marketing. It means that social media platforms are now integrated in the mobile phones. It distinctly takes the characters of today’s consumer for going high on both accounts of mobile phones and social connectivity. A well designed strategy is considered to compose of both the aids of Internet marketing. 

Mobile Marketing Processes:
It is just the beginning, everybody is familiar with the incessant message arrival alerts on their mobile phones. Most frequent messages are updates on favorite sports team, discount offer, downloading new games, message from real estate brokers, messages from job portals and so on. It is just the beginning with SMS; the future should be heading for massive use of MMS for promotional purposes. In fact, mobile marketing is poised to take up a booming dimension. It is equally capable of getting back to the screen with larger and livelier magic of display on touch sensitive sets.  There should be no problem in storing for calling back with increasing size of memory. 

The serious intrusion of mobile phones in the life leaves no option, but to see the Internet and mobiles in different ways with combined powers of social media and mobile phones.

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